Steven Day Personal Trainer

Performotion 26 Campbell St, PERFORMOTION, Bowen Hills, Queensland, 4006

Performotion 26 Campbell St, PERFORMOTION, Bowen Hills, Queensland, 4006
Map for 26 Campbell St, PERFORMOTION, Bowen Hills, Queensland, 4006


Steven Day is a seasoned Strength and Conditioning Coach, specialising in powerlifting. Steven has competed in powerlifting since 2015 and coaching since 2016. During this time he has taken multiple people from beginner athletes to national champions. His athletes have broken over 30 national records since the birth of APU. Steven is ranked 5th within IPF for his squat for the U74kg weight class! Steven has worked with athletes ranging from novice to elite level to help them reach their full potential. Steven’s particular areas of interest and specialisation include; Powerlifting Programming Peaking for competition

Specialisation and Services

Area of Focus

  • Athletic Preparation
  • Personal training

Patient Focus

  • Teenagers
  • Adults