Savasana Collective

Savasana Collective

Practitioners at this location

Sheena Schuy

Social Worker

Sheena has been in the mental health industry, both government and non-government for almost a decade after obtaining her first degree of Psychology. Her experience as a coordinator managing a counselling and case management program for children in the child safety system in Central Queensland confirmed her passion to work therapeutically in the areas of trauma, attachment and mental health. This experience also solidified her desire to strive for social justice and systemic change; her working framework naturally reflected the social model and the biopsychosocial-spiritual of health, hence her third degree of a Master of Social Work. She has also worked in the areas of Alcohol and Other Drugs, and Youth Mental Health. During her Master of Counselling she was trained in Neuropsychotherapy and this framework of neuroscience informing psychotherapy also informs my practice. She endeavours to take a holistic perspective with anyone she works with.
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