Neoma Lindley is a psychologist with a demonstrated history of working in the forensic and general mental health care industry. Neoma is experienced working with people experiencing acute stress disorder (ASD) or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of physical, substance dependency, anger management, anxiety treatment, child and adolescent psychology, depression, eating disorders counselling, grief and loss, stress management and trauma counselling. Neoma is skilled in direct client intervention including individual and group treatment, Brief Psychodynamic Therapy, Mindfulness, Crisis Intervention, Family Therapy, Professional Mentoring, and Clinical Supervision. Also experienced as a clinical supervisor/manager, and as an operations manager for community and prison-based services. Neoma’s wealth of skills include:
• Anger Management
• Forensic Psychology
• Self Esteem
• Crisis Intervention
• Mental Health
• Clinical Supervision
• Stress Management
• Counselling Psychology
• Psychological Assessment
• Post-Traumatic Stress
Neoma Lindley is experienced in providing psychological support for individuals, families and children leading up to, and following their involvement with the family law system. She has experience in the resolution of family disputes, responding sensitively to the distress families are experiencing through this process. Ms Lindley’s trauma-informed practice is strengths-based and non-adversarial. She is experienced in supporting children through this process, as well as having worked with and families with multiple and complex issues.
We are experienced in responding to a range of critical incidents including: Workplace bullying and harassment; abuse and conflict between employees, providing EAP to staff and managers going through times of difficulty.