Ms Jane Sutton Occupational Therapist

Sandhurst Hand Therapy 225 Barnard St, Skinworkx Building, Bendigo, Victoria, 3550


Phone03 4440 1930(Work)
Sandhurst Hand Therapy 225 Barnard St, Skinworkx Building, Bendigo, Victoria, 3550
Map for 225 Barnard St, Skinworkx Building, Bendigo, Victoria, 3550


Jane is an Occupational Therapist who has worked in numerous hand and upper limb clinics through out Australia and in the UK. Jane has undertaken numerous post graduate qualifications to further her expertise in Hand Therapy

Qualifications and Experience


  • B.OT
  • Certified Hand Therapist (USA)
  • Accredited Hand Therapist ( as awarded by the Australian Hand Therapy Association)
  • Post Grad Certificate ( Allied Health ) Derby University UK


  • A) Initial Consultation: Private Health Insurance / Self fundedA$105.00
  • A) Initial Comprehensive Consultation Worksafe VicA$190.59
  • A) Initial Consultation Compensable ( Workcover, TAC, DVA Etc)A$108.91
  • B) Subsequent consultation: Self Funded / Private Health InsuranceA$80.00
  • B) Subsequent Extended Consultation Worksafe, DVA TAC EtcA$122.52
  • C) Extended Consultation: Worksafe Vic, DVA TAC EtcA$157.20
  • Extended Consultation : Worksafe TAC DVA