Mrs Shanthani Erlich Social Worker

Enable Suite and Telehealth Bookings Suite 8, Level 2, 156 Collins St, (address is excepting Telehealth or Phone consultations), Melbourne, Victoria, 3000

Enable Suite and Telehealth Bookings Suite 8, Level 2, 156 Collins St, (address is excepting Telehealth or Phone consultations), Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
Map for Suite 8, Level 2, 156 Collins St, (address is excepting Telehealth or Phone consultations), Melbourne, Victoria, 3000


Shanthani is a social worker who has had over 18 years of experience primarily working with young people within the mental health field. Over the last ten years she has worked as a clinician in the sexual assault and trauma area. She has also specialised in the drug and alcohol field and youth justice area and worked overseas with destitute children in the community development context. Shanthani has a special interest in working with young people and their families. She has experience in addressing a wide range of issues including trauma, mental health issues, drug and alcohol abuse, protective behaviours, depression, grief and loss issues, parenting and family support. She utilises an extensive range of techniques and strategies to address these issues including emotional regulation and relaxation techniques, cognitive behavioural therapy, trauma based therapy and solution focused techniques. Shanthani has a client centred focus and endeavours to involve family and support people where appropriate, within the client’s life to assist a better and more effective outcome. Her counselling works holistically with the client and those supporting them and she considers this of paramount importance in the healing process. Shanthani holds a Bachelor of Social Work, Master of Social Work (Forensic Studies) and a Diploma of Social Sciences (Justice). She is an accredited mental health social worker and a member of the Australian Association of Social Workers.

Working Hours

This Week

Wednesday:9:00 am - 5:00 pm