Mr Nerio Baldini Other

Enable Suite and Telehealth BookingsSuite 8, Level 2, 156 Collins St, (address is excepting Telehealth or Phone consultations), Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
clinic location

Enable Suite and Telehealth Bookings Suite 8, Level 2, 156 Collins St, (address is excepting Telehealth or Phone consultations), Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
Map for Suite 8, Level 2, 156 Collins St, (address is excepting Telehealth or Phone consultations), Melbourne, Victoria, 3000


Nerio Baldini has over 30 years experience in Employee and Industrial Relations across a diverse range of industries in both the Public and Private Sectors including health, policing, finance, administration, entertainment and welfare. Nerio has worked for, advised and represented government, unions and small businesses. Nerio’s academic qualifications include a Masters Degree from the University of Melbourne in Industrial Relations. His major topic areas included Supervisory Practices and Labour Law. He also has a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) and other relevant qualifications are in the train the trainer arena and mediation. His memberships include the Australian Institute of Training and Development, the International Association on Workplace Bullying (IAWBH) and the Australia New Zealand Mental Health Association and the Australian Workplace Bullying and Harassment Coalition. Nerio’s skills and expertise are in the Ields of Workplace ConVict, Bullying and Harassment, Industrial Relations, Employment Conditions, Workers Compensation, Organisational Change, Cultural Communications, Diversity, Equal Opportunity and Negotiation Skills. His experience is consistently valued by clients, with his expertise including design of policies, procedures and practices and the application of these skills to enhance productivity and provide personnel with tools to operate at optimal levels. Nerio’s expertise is well recognised, reflected in his presenting at the last Ive Australian and two International Bullying Conferences. He is passionate about empowering managers to better recognise conVict and implement effective strategies to enable the organisation to focus on core activities. Nerio works in the areas of cultural and behavioural change as positive approaches improve long term resolution and prevention of conflict. Nerio is a trained mediator and has both mediated and assisted parties in mediations. His mediation skills are regularly honed through involvement in protracted situations where resolution has been thwarted in the past, with an impressive achievement record in satisfaction from referrers and clients. Nerio provides training in all his areas of expertise with a specialisation in bullying prevention and conflict resolution. He prides himself on tailoring training sessions to meet the needs of all stakeholders in the workplace, combining both cultural change and practical strategies. The creation of an effective learning environment enables delegates to apply knowledge and skills immediately in their role. He is an experienced trainer of directors and understands the governance provisions of their role and their need to balance organisational effectiveness with specialist personnel collaboration. He is an accredited trainer with WeTrain Australia.

Qualifications and Experience


  • BSc MA (Industrial Relations)