Macintosh Medical

Macintosh Medical

Practitioners at this location

Lani Black


Lani completed her Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Newcastle and has a passion for sharing her knowledge and love of food. Through nutrition education, Lani supports clients in developing a healthy relationship with food to achieve their lifestyle goals. She takes a positive approach in providing practical advice about eating for good health. Lani enjoys all areas of nutrition, with particular interests surrounding intuitive eating, binge eating, prenatal nutrition, diabetes and cardiovascular health.
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Ms Alex Marlow


Alex completed her Bachelor degree in Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours) at the University of Newcastle and is currently finishing her PhD in paediatric diabetes. Her passion for dietetics developed from her love of food, appreciation of science and desire to support people to achieve their nutrition and lifestyle goals. Alex takes on a holistic evidence-based approach to wellness and supports clients to achieve a healthy balance through empowering them with nutrition knowledge and practical skills. Alex has a broad interest in all areas of nutrition, with particular interests surrounding gut health, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and diabetes.