Katelyn Byron Integrative Bodywork

Katelyn Byron Integrative Bodywork

Practitioners at this location

Katelyn Byron

Remedial massage therapist

Phone0434 023 544(Mobile)
Katelyn Byron is a registered Remedial Massage and Craniosacral Therapist. Drawing on a spectrum of scientific modalities and deep listening, these sessions offer a mindful approach to bodywork to improve physical and emotional health, and overall feeling of well-being. Your session will involve a fusion of remedial massage, craniosacral therapy, cupping, deep tissue and visceral work, with a focus on deeply listening and tending to the subtle needs of your body. Together, we will find ease, clarity and a feeling of interconnectedness within. These sessions may be able to assist with: Injury recovery Muscle aches and pains Anxiety and brain fog Stress and burnout Chronic pain Sleep issues and fatigue Emotional Support Nervous System Regulation Additional support to healing trauma or chronic illness Disassociation and disconnect from body, mind, spirit To feel whole and connected To tap into the wisdom of your body *Suitable during pregnancy *Private Health Rebates Available for Remedial Massage