Justin Black Nurse Practitioner

My Telehealth Clinic - BookedBrisbane, Queensland
clinic location


Endorsed as a Nurse Practitioner for 13 years, with eclectic experience in rural and remote nursing, Indigenous health, cardiology, cardiac rehabilitation, cardiothoracics, critical care, emergency, paediatrics, and General Practice. He has postgraduate qualifications in Intensive care and health promotion. He works in General Practice, Emergency, Weight Loss, and is a member of the Australian disaster response team Ausmat. He is passionate about providing holistic healthcare who's experiences lead to a well rounded, generalist clinician with strong skills in paediatrics, emergency medicine, family and relationship health including sexual wellness, weight management and mental health. He is married with five children so understands the complexities of our busy stressful lives. Lastly, he is an average triathlete trying very hard to stay fit into his 50’s, having recently completed the greatest triathlon feat of an ironman.

Qualifications and Experience


  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Graduate Certificate Health Promotion
  • Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science - Intensive Care
  • Master of Nursing Science - Nurse Practitioner