Iman Iskander (Couples Therapist) Other

IN PERSON - Iman IskanderYou are booking an in-person session. If this is not your intention, please select the appointment type first, then proceed with your booking, Suite 318, 185 Elizabeth St, Sydney, New South Wales, 2000
clinic location

IN PERSON - Iman Iskander You are booking an in-person session. If this is not your intention, please select the appointment type first, then proceed with your booking, Suite 318, 185 Elizabeth St, Sydney, New South Wales, 2000
Map for You are booking an in-person session. If this is not your intention, please select the appointment type first, then proceed with your booking, Suite 318, 185 Elizabeth St, Sydney, New South Wales, 2000


I offer Marriage and Relationship Therapy working with Individuals and Couples. As a Certified Couples Therapist, I have reached the highest attainable level of training in the field of marriage and relationship therapy and I also provide Clinical Supervision. As a specialist, I help transform interpersonal connections, by using a variety of therapeutic approaches and over 20 years of experience, offering a tailored approach for the specific needs and presenting problem.

Qualifications and Experience


  • Certified Gottman Couples Therapist


  • Certified Gottman Couples Therapist
  • Certified Discernment Counsellor



  • 1 Hour - individual / couples first session (8am-5pm)A$280.00
  • 2 Hour for couples (8am-5pm)A$560.00
  • After Hours 2 hr for couples (5pm-7pm)A$620.00
  • After Hours Individual (5pm-7pm)A$310.00

In-clinic consultation

  • The Conflict Cure 1-day Group TrainingA$497.00

Specialisation and Services

Patient Focus

  • Adults
  • Couples
  • Families


  • Online consultations
  • Group Sessions