Charlene Pereira Other

Enable Suite and Telehealth Bookings Suite 8, Level 2, 156 Collins St, (address is excepting Telehealth or Phone consultations), Melbourne, Victoria, 3000

Enable Suite and Telehealth Bookings Suite 8, Level 2, 156 Collins St, (address is excepting Telehealth or Phone consultations), Melbourne, Victoria, 3000
Map for Suite 8, Level 2, 156 Collins St, (address is excepting Telehealth or Phone consultations), Melbourne, Victoria, 3000


Charlene has over 20 years experience providing direct service delivery and management of teams supporting clients with multiple and complex needs of diverse backgrounds who have come to the attention of the criminal justice system, child protection, disability and mental health systems. In 1999 she was awarded by the Department of Justice Community Corrections for achieving a consistently high standard of work performance in a difficult and challenging environment. Charlene has been active in the design and delivery of professional development programs for Social Work, Psychology and Criminology courses at a TAFE and University level; and was responsible for the implementation of the Statewide training and delivery of group conferencing as a pre-sentence option within the criminal division of the Children’s Courts across Victoria. Currently in her part-time role as Lead Clinical Supervisor in a community support agency she has established a clinical supervision framework to strengthen skill development and enhance wellbeing and staff retention with practitioners working across family law mediation, elders abuse, child counselling, family and relationship counselling, Drug Court treatment orders and the Family Violence division of the Magistrates’ Courts across Victoria. To extend her knowledge and application of supervisory practices, Charlene is currently enrolled in her PhD with the Monash Criminal Justice Research Consortium where she is exploring the relationship between the style of professional supervision and practitioner skill development under the guidance of Professor Christopher Trotter. Charlene is a member of the following committees: clinical governance; quality improvement; research and advocacy; and is the founder and Lead of the clinical supervision practice unit which incorporates the deilvery of leadership coaching for middle management in addition to critical incident debriefing and clinical file audits. Charlene’s specialisations include family violence; mental illness and forensic disability; aggressive and violent offender programs; trauma informed case management, gender and culturally responsive case management; restorative justice group conferencing, critical incident stress debriefing and defusing, risk management and quality improvement.

Qualifications and Experience


  • Bachelor Of Arts (Psychology and Crimonology)
  • Master in Counselling, PhD candidature