Ashley Gilmour is a fully qualified Clinical Psychologist and the Founder & Principal of Vitality Unleashed Psychology. Ashley completed her 4 years undergraduate Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) & her 2 years post-graduate Master of Psychology (Clinical) degrees at James Cook University. Ashley then went on to complete her 2-year Clinical Psychology Registrar training program with South West HealthCare Adult Psychiatric Services. Ashley has been a registered and practicing Psychologist since 2009. Throughout her training and career in clinical psychology, Ashley has obtained a wide variety of experience working with children, teens, & adults experiencing a range of presenting issues in a variety of settings.
Ashley’s approach is warm, understanding, and empathetic. She is also professional and respectful. Ashley approaches each of her client’s concerns as an individual and takes the time to understand what is uniquely going on for each person she treats to guide how best to help them as quickly as possible. Ashley has a strong appreciation for, and interest in, the power of the human mind. Ashley also recognises that humans are highly powerful in that we have the medicine within ourselves to heal from and move through whatever challenges we may be facing. Ashley’s passion is to support people with psychological techniques to move through their emotional and psychological difficulties and into a space of happiness, empowerment, and wellbeing so that they can have the Freedom to Flourish.