A chat to discuss the available models of care in Cairns and if care by Beneath The Palms Midwifery feels right for you. We discuss your individual needs and expectations, routine pregnancy recommendations, brief history, care costs and specifications, role of midwife and pregnancy review.
A 60 minute comprehensive consultation to discuss and implement strategies to help with breastfeeding difficulties, unsettled infant behaviour, infant sleep difficulties and parental mental health. This consultation is individualised with plenty of time to talk about feeding, sleep and your parenting journey. We create a plan that aligns with your families values and goals. A follow up appointment is encouraged within 2 weeks.
A 60 minute comprehensive consultation to discuss and implement strategies to help with breastfeeding difficulties, unsettled infant behaviour, infant sleep difficulties and parental mental health. This consultation is individualised with plenty of time to talk about feeding, sleep and your parenting journey. We create a plan that aligns with your families values and goals. A follow up appointment is encouraged within 2 weeks.